Trauma and Birth REVIEW 2022

Teaching days in 2022





each time from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


No more reservations can be placed for this event.

Recognizing, preventing and addressing trauma in mother and child.



Avoiding trauma in the delivery room and/or recognizing and managing it in the maternity period: how to do it?

Part 1 : Trauma: definition and symptoms. The neurobiology of trauma in mother and child : the 10 survival responses and the WoT. Timeline of trauma and types of trauma : PTSD and C-PTSD, attachment trauma, developmental trauma, secondary trauma, suffering-to-suffering. Comorbidity of trauma and depression.

Part 2: Trauma prevention during pregnancy. Questioning previous trauma. Suffering-to-suffering treatment. Trauma Screening Questionnaire. Realistic expectations. Mother midwife partnership. Trauma in the delivery room. PEH interventions: The Squirrel and The Golden Hour. Ethical conduct in the delivery room. Secondary traumatization.

Parts 3 and 4: Trauma in Childbirth. PTS(D) interventions in mother and child: guidelines and Best Practices. Birth narrative, 3-fold question, 4-field technique, EGB, affect regulation, Still from T, Progressive Counting. The section: "Concrete tools for babies with birth stress: insights, tip and tricks" will be provided by Kaatje Keppens (parent-baby coach and lecturer of midwifery Thomas More).

In this training you will learn to recognize and manage traumatic and post-traumatic stress before, during and after childbirth.


Midwives, doulas, gynecologists



  • the sessions are online
  • replay available afterwards
  • free admission, no diploma requirements
  • you will receive a certificate of participation
  • cancellation possible up to 30 calendar days in advance (minus euro 50,- administration fee)
  • number of places limited
  • accreditation BVP : 18 points
  • PLEASE NOTE: Dutch (or other foreign) companies wishing to take advantage of the "VAT shifted" scheme (VAT 0%) can only do so if they have a VAT number and specify it at the time of booking.


Series of 4 x 3.5h, 14h in total

€0.00 - VAT 0% rate

November 5, 2022 - November 26, 2022
09:00 - 12:30

No more reservations can be placed for this event.

"I believe anyone can alleviate traumatic pain.
A trauma-informed world, that's what I stand for, that's what I want to build with you."

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