Yep, it's (almost) here: March 28 is the (re)release of The Healing Power of Pain(THPOP), but I already have the first copies (+ various promotional materials) in the house 😁
I'll be honest: I was skeptical anyway, when we started this project last January: finding an English-language publisher to republish the English version of "Getting Stronger Where It Hurts.
But lo and behold: it worked! Of course, knowing that the real work starts now: getting the word out about the book!
I am happy with it 😊
Thanks to everyone at Austin Macauley Publishers , especially Holly Turner, James Morris and Jack Brand.
And, thank you for the continuous inspiration: Janina Fisher Peter A Levine Guy Winch Bessel van der Kolk Essam Daod Babette Rothschild