A Christmas and year-end greeting

The year 2023, as far as my direct work is concerned, is over! So time for a beautiful End of Year Press Period! I wish all my students, who worked so hard in the trainings, the Supervision and in the individual contacts, and all my colleagues in the broad field of care and assistance, all the best for 2024 ๐Ÿ˜Š January will...

New: Blog by Ybe on Traumanet.com

Traumanet.nlTraumanet.nl6,570 followers6,570 followers1d - 1d - One in five women experience childbirth as very unpleasant, or even traumatic. Psychotraumatologist Ybe Casteleyn knows all about it herself. "During the birth of my oldest son, I bit my then husband's buttocks incredibly hard and then cursed out the gynecologist. Because I was the...

Update English edition THPOP

UPDATE: The Healing Power of Pain (THPOP) ๐Ÿ˜Š As promised, a quick update on the status of the English-language edition: below is a particle from the publisher's first proof-reading. The work has been registered, as required, with The British Library. Lots of work still to do - and you see, it will be next year that...

Live training courses Belgium and the Netherlands fall 2023

For your information ๐Ÿ˜Š : at the end of October, beginning of November I will be back in Belgium and the Netherlands for a number of live trainings and workshops. There are still a few opportunities for institutions, organizations or companies to make an appointment for that as well; if this is of interest to your organization (or someone in your network), mail...

End of training year 2022-2023

Nice ending: this morning concluded the last session of the C-PTSD training! Thank you to the group of enthusiastic participants for your efforts; again, I wish you much success in applying what you have learned: think about what you are doing, but don't be afraid! The 2022-2023 training year is thus over: a great year and thankful that...

New release The Healing Power of Pain

SO special!!! I just signed the contract for the worldwide (re)publication of the English version of 'Getting Stronger...' : The Healing Power of Pain. The book existed before, published by a Dutch publisher. But now, with #Austin Macauley Publishers, a London-based publisher, with offices in London, New York, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)...


Some like to plan really well in advance! Because of all the questions about it, we have already added next year's Spring 2024 training on the site. Special attention to those who have asked about that training: Helper Syndromes; or Help the Helper: around 'standing tall in the storm'. Be welcome! ...see more