Trauma Sensitive Mediation: September 2022
Next September Ybe will teach the course 'Traumasensitive Mediation' for MEDIV the Mediation Institute Flanders. On to a 'trauma-informed society'!
Next September Ybe will teach the course 'Traumasensitive Mediation' for MEDIV the Mediation Institute Flanders. On to a 'trauma-informed society'!
This week, Ybe was featured on a podcast on the platform of Together for Respectful Birth. For parents and caregivers. You can listen to him at:
Ybe's do-and-feel book on trauma: "Getting Stronger Where It Hurts" has experienced its 5th reprint and as of today (Oct. 20) is available online again: via or the book can be ordered again. A book that provides insight and an excellent foundation for those who want to start an online training.
Last week, more than 40 participants attended the final class of the online Basic Trauma-informed Practice training. Some reactions of the participants from the evaluation form: "For me best training in a long time!" "looking forward to the sequel" "very enriching" "I found the format super and well organized: online yet also interactive!" Starting soon...
Recognizing trauma is the first step to healing. > Trauma expert Ybe Casteleyn explains to you: > What exactly trauma is > How to recognize trauma > The difference between complex and simple trauma > And she'll give 30 minutes of live Q&A so you can get all your questions > answered! > > Book your spot now. Click on the...
Started the Online Basic Training Trauma-informed practice, Must-have Knowledge of trauma - Exciting and nice to share knowledge about trauma with more than 40 interested psychologists, therapists and coaches - I am already looking forward to next week! Ybe
We hope everyone had a great summer,-with less or more nice weather! - had; the start of the online trainings is near. For some trainings there are still a few places available; now is the opportunity to make a colleague or friend aware of (e.g.) the "Supervision Trauma in Practice" or the...
Word came in today that all trainings are BVP/ECP-accredited; that means that having attended a training earns a number of points for the participant.
I'm in - you too? All about giving birth and being born with Leen Heusdens as hostess. Free summit July 24 - 30, 2021 - register soon!
Mother Ybe and daughter Lara are opening a webshop for psycho-educational materials together this spring, here you can read the story behind their joint venture. Their journey began five years ago, when Ybe was still working on the manuscript of her book "Getting Stronger Where It Hurts. Together with mood blaster Jill (Marchant), she was able to give her daughter Lara...