Trauma and Birth

Thursdays in 2022





each time from 9 to 12


No more reservations can be placed for this event.

Recognizing, preventing and addressing trauma in mother and child.



Avoiding trauma in the delivery room and/or recognizing and managing it in the maternity period: how to do it?

Day 1 and 2: Theory. What is trauma, what is traumatic and what is not? Neurobiology of trauma: the impact of trauma on the body and mind. Types of trauma: PTSD and C-PTSD, attachment trauma, developmental trauma, secondary trauma, suffering-to-suffering. Time course of trauma. Comorbidity of trauma and depression. Examples.

Day 3 and 4: skills, exercises and interventions. Do's & dont's. Anamnesis during pregnancy. Risk and protective factors. Preparation for childbirth. PEH in the delivery room: The squirrel and The Golden hour. Treating PTSD symptoms in childbirth: Stabilizing techniques, Still from T, Progressive counting. Not only the mother, also the child, also the father. And yourself!

In this training you will learn to recognize and manage traumatic and post-traumatic stress before, during and after childbirth.


Midwives, doulas, gynecologists



  • the sessions are online
  • replay available afterwards
  • free admission, no diploma requirements
  • you will receive a certificate of participation
  • cancellation possible up to 30 calendar days in advance (minus euro 50,- administration fee)
  • number of places limited
  • accreditation BVP : 18 points
  • PLEASE NOTE: Dutch (or other foreign) companies wishing to take advantage of the "VAT shifted" scheme (VAT 0%) can only do so if they have a VAT number and specify it at the time of booking.


Series of 4 x 3h, 12h in total

€0.00 + 21% VAT

March 3, 2022 - March 10, 2022
09:00 - 12:00

No more reservations can be placed for this event.

"I believe anyone can alleviate traumatic pain.
A trauma-informed world, that's what I stand for, that's what I want to build with you."

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