Deel 1: 2 dagdelen Theorie. Wat is trauma, wat is traumatisch en wat is het niet? Neurobiologie van trauma: de impact van trauma op lichaam en geest. Soorten trauma: PTSD en C-PTSD, hechtingstrauma, ontwikkelingstrauma, secundair trauma, leed-op-leed. Tijdsverloop van trauma. Comorbiditeit van trauma en depressie. Voorbeelden.
Deel 2: 2 dagdelen vaardigheden, oefeningen en interventies. Do’s & dont’s. Anamnese tijdens de zwangerschap. Risico- en beschermingsfactoren. Voorbereiding van een bevalling. PEH in de bevallingskamer: De eekhoorn en The Golden hour. PTSD symptomen behandelen in de kraamperiode: Stabiliserende technieken, Still van T, Progressive counting. Niet alleen de moeder, ook het kind, ook de vader. En jijzelf!
Deel 3: 1 dagdeel integratie dmv casusbesprekingen.
Deel 4: 1 dagdeel Hulpverlenerstrauma: soorten, belangrijkste aandachtspunten en intervisie werkschema De berg van Trauma.
Er kunnen geen reserveringen meer worden geplaatst voor dit evenement.
Adds a booking forms for this event.
A single button that will appear to logged in users, if they click on it, they apply for a booking. This button will only display if there is one ticket.
Shows available spaces for the event.
Shows the amount of currently booked spaces for the event.
Shows the amount of pending spaces for the event.
Shows the total spaces for the event.
Shows the list of user avatars attending the event.
Shows the list of people attending the event.
Shows the list of people with a pending booking for the event.
Shows the url to the admin, front-end or buddypress (if activated) bookings management page for this event. Only shown if user is logged in and able to manage bookings.
Shows a link to the admin, front-end or buddypress (if activated) bookings management page for this event. Only shown if user is logged in and able to manage bookings.
Shows a “maximum – minimum” price range for available tickets at the time of display, or a single price if there is no range. Once bookings are closed this will show a 0 value, if you have enabled ‘Show unavailable tickets’ in your booking settings these will be included. Price is formatted according to currency formatting in your settings page.
Like #_EVENTPRICERANGE but shows all tickets price range whether or not bookings or individual tickets are available.
Shows the lowest available ticket price for this event. Will display a value of 0 if no ticket is available.
Shows the highest available ticket price for this event. Will display a value of 0 if no ticket is avaialble.
Shows the lowest ticket price for this event, whether available or not.
Shows the highest ticket price for this event, whether available or not.